No discussion please, we are Malaysians!

I was horrified to find out about 2 bombings in Jakarta this morning -- at 2 luxurious hotels, the Ritz Carlton and The Marriott.
I quickly sms 2 of my friends whom I know are in Jakarta this week.
The first guy replied to say that he is ok. Just hangover. Drinking at the Ritz last night. Phew!
The 2nd guy said, just flew home to KL last night from Jakarta. Whew!
And also heard today that Teoh Beng Hock fell down from an office building after interrogation by MACC. What a shock! I am really sad to hear that.
I have no idea, as with many others, what happened, and who did it. I really hope that change to A NEW EARTH is coming. If I want to cry in fear and sadness, my tears would flow a thousand gallons. I am not sure it would help to reduce the haze and dryness we are facing now though. And I don't think I can reproduce that much anyway.
While surfing the net, I chanced upon this article. The headline says "No discussion please, we are Malaysians!"
How pathetic -- it is true. How many of us are reduced to cowards to keep the peace and not shake the boat for those in power.
Just like this blog. I admit I am a coward in many ways. I have to say something and express myself. This is the natural trait of a human. But I don't really want many to know that I wrote it, and yet I do want some to know -- in case it affects my future employment or business with corporations having ties to people in power in this beautiful country of ours. (Huh!) This is our dilemma to being a human in this country, and in many others as well.
Then, I noticed that one of the google ads on the side advertised, MigrateTo Australia. If you click on the link now, you may not see the ad, as Google changes it now and then. But I can tell you, I laughed. How appropriate.
In fact, many people around me, friends in their 30s are telling me about how they want to migrate to Australia or New Zealand. I am not stopping them. I don't know if I am afraid to express my agreement or disagreement. It could be their New Earth.