Books or Golf?

I've never been into politics, but lately the exciting Malaysian political scene has roused more interest in the average Malaysian than it has in years! I still am upset at not being able to vote in the March 8 elections. I had thought that I was registered, but apparently my name was not in the list. So I thought I would write to the Prime Minister later in the webpage (which miraculously appeared a few days before the elections). But on 2nd thoughts, I doubt he's gonna have time to read it, as it looks like he's busy shielding himself from blows left and right for the losses in the recent election, and having to face the royal rulers on their constitutional rights to pick the Chief Ministers in every state.

I've learned more about Malaysian politics the past few weeks than I've had in the past 30 years! Before, when my friends got together, we'd talk about tv, movies, fashion, where to eat, what to drink, work, which are the happening clubs, gossip, gossip, gossip, but nowadays, (ahem) we talk politics...and a little bit about Edison Chan.

Despite the commotion, the fighting and the dissatisfaction reported in the papers, I think it's good that we speak out. I said, speak out -- intelligently.
We have, in our country, a lot of educated and intelligent people. MARA sends a lot of scholars overseas to get international exposure, right? Any parent who can afford it, try to send their children for any kind of tertiary education at home or overseas. We don't expect our children to come home DUMB, do we? So there should be a natural acceptance of expression and criticism in a democracy.

More and more Malaysians are voicing out and saying "We're not stupid. Don't treat us as though that only a few of you are the smart ones. We want to get involved. It's our country and we want to all make this country a happier place to live in!" What is wrong with that? For too long, anyone that dares to speak out against something unjust or inappropriate is deemed as being disrespectful and "buat kacau" -- causing problems. Maybe it's part of our Asian family culture. "Don't speak to your pa ma like that!" But you know, I don't believe in keeping quiet, suppressing my opinions, then one day, let the volcano rupture! It's happened before. I guess that's what's happening now. This is human nature. No matter how you try to keep people quiet and obedient to you, it's not gonna work!

I am against show of violence or the stupidity of building hatred against any race for illogical, emotional, political reasons that defeat ourselves. That's xenophobia. Malaysia is such a unique country with so many ethnic components. Which is great! Just today, I was eating in a banana leaf restaurant where most of the people eating there were Chinese and Malay. I've had an Indian visitor from India marvel at this integration of cultures in Malaysia. But it's so apparent we all haven't gotten over being labeled as different ethnic groups and are still worried about losing our place to another race! I say, preserve your identity but don't lose your soul trying to do it.

I have more about this to say, not from a political or racial point of view, but from a
universal point of view. The messages to sort out your life, and improve it, has been going around for ages, inspired by ancient religious scriptures, thought about by philosophers, expounded and expanded by self-help, motivational, financial and economy gurus. But then again, those are not really views. It's truth! I think our politicians all need membership cards to bookshops more than to golf clubs. More next time...


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