The Greatest Speech

Jan 20th, 2009. I watched the "live" broadcast of Barack Obama's installation as President of the United States.
And did he give the greatest speech I have heard so far from a man of our times. Not only did I feel he was speaking to Americans, I felt that he was speaking on behalf of the world. Not only was he a leader of Americans, I began to feel him as a leader of mankind.
How long have we waited for a leader of such spirit and honor to appear? Very long indeed. He was summoned. I believe he was summoned by a greater spirit. And that greater spirit is the magic power that lives in all of us. And he has chosen to follow that greater spirit that is in all of us.
I hung on to his every word as he gave his first speech as President. I almost started to believe that it was a speech that was not prepared beforehand. It looked as though it poured out of him effortlessly. But I should be wrong. There should be a see-thru teleprompter in front of him.
Someone could have helped him write it. Someone else could have written it. Obama himself could have written it. I don't know.
Every word was genius and appropriate. Poetic yet comprehensible. To the point. Inspiring. Firm. Serious. Loving.
What else can I say? If I could get my hands on that speech, I would frame it up and hang it on my wall.