Why Listen To Me?

This week was filled with 2 wonderful news : Barack Obama becoming the next American President, and the release of Raja Petra from ISA detention.
Both men are icons of a new voice, a new heart, a new soul. The liberating soul.
Obama is an icon of change, of hope, of a new world.
If we went back in time 200 years, and told a black slave that one day, someone of their color would be the President of the country; that a woman of their color, named Oprah, would kinda like be the richest woman in America (the world, maybe?), that their great great great grandchildren would have no problem being superstars on stage and in sports, and make millions from worldwide fame, what do you think that black slave would say? I would LOVE to make a movie with this scene.
What a great and historical transformation for the African Americans. We should only rejoice. The days of "White Supremacy" is over.
Hasn't history proven time and time again that Racism would only bring downfall to those that practise it. Maybe not now, but the day will come.
For thousands of years, the Chinese thought of themselves as the Middle Kingdom (Zhong Guo). And the Emperor demanded that other nations pay homage to him. God bless them for their "naivety." The dragon throne was eventually attacked by "lesser" races, and eventually died pitifully. The Chinese society went backwards, and now, it is picking up the pieces of its past grandiose....without any Emperor.
When any race or individual declares themselves legally, politically, socially supreme over others, psychology studies will tell you immediately that this is the obvious action of a person who lacks faith in his own capabilities and therefore has to act and declare himself supreme over others, stepping on and over them to get the bigger share of the pie.
It happens all the time in the corporate world. A loud-mouth, headless chicken would bluff his or her way to the top by telling "stories" to ignorant management (who stupidly believe these manipulators), while stepping and stabbing his or her colleagues in the process of "climbing the corporate ladder." Luckily no one told them to watch out for the missing rung on the ladder. It may work for some time, but we are all happy to sit at the bottom and watch them fall. And no, we don't have the number for the Fire Department.
Yes, I know about these kinds, because I have been a victim myself. That's why I have time to blog, instead of socialising right now at corporate lunches and branded parties.
The Jewish people thought of themselves as "the chosen race." I think it's written in the holy book. Weren't they persecuted especially in World War 2? Now the Malaysian "Muslim" government is so anti-Semitic that it bans Malaysians from visiting this country and this country only...due to a Muslim-Jewish tussle over land....is it? Then, the Muslim Malays go and declare themselves supreme beings in Malaysia. Kind of hypocritical, isn't it?
I have a question about the meaning of Bumiputra. A half-Indian half-Chinese girl marries a half-English half-Malay man. So their children are technically only quarter Malay, who are also very bad at the Malay language. So how is it that the children qualify for all the economical and social privileges reserved for a FULL Bumiputra?
In Peru, there was a President named Albert Fujimori, obviously Japanese. How did that happen? Arnold Schwarzenegger is Governor of California. But he was born where? Austria. Yet the Americans welcomed him to be their leader. Come! Come! Don't go BAAACK.
Some blogger say that lucky for Obama that he is American. If he was Malaysian, he would never ever be given the chance to be Prime Minister of Malaysia. Maybe my karma is bad. I can never be Prime Minister of Malaysia, even if I was actually smart and charismatic.
And Raja Petra....who he is is beyond words. He is a man of courage. There are many, many more of his kind.
Any action that suppresses will result in revolution. I think I've given enough warning and hints. But why listen to me? I'm not a political analyst or even a history expert.
But I am a child of God (woh!), just like you, if you only believe. Pretty supreme, huh. And I believe that God has given me an infinite spiritual wisdom bank that I can withdraw from anytime. And a mind that is so intelligent, it thinks on its own (yahoo!). And I hope that my MIND is now thinking about how to make money for me, cos the government didn't reserve any for me, and I am too modest to want the kind of attention usually bestowed on a hip-shaking corporate climber.
Both men are icons of a new voice, a new heart, a new soul. The liberating soul.
Obama is an icon of change, of hope, of a new world.
If we went back in time 200 years, and told a black slave that one day, someone of their color would be the President of the country; that a woman of their color, named Oprah, would kinda like be the richest woman in America (the world, maybe?), that their great great great grandchildren would have no problem being superstars on stage and in sports, and make millions from worldwide fame, what do you think that black slave would say? I would LOVE to make a movie with this scene.
What a great and historical transformation for the African Americans. We should only rejoice. The days of "White Supremacy" is over.
Hasn't history proven time and time again that Racism would only bring downfall to those that practise it. Maybe not now, but the day will come.
For thousands of years, the Chinese thought of themselves as the Middle Kingdom (Zhong Guo). And the Emperor demanded that other nations pay homage to him. God bless them for their "naivety." The dragon throne was eventually attacked by "lesser" races, and eventually died pitifully. The Chinese society went backwards, and now, it is picking up the pieces of its past grandiose....without any Emperor.
When any race or individual declares themselves legally, politically, socially supreme over others, psychology studies will tell you immediately that this is the obvious action of a person who lacks faith in his own capabilities and therefore has to act and declare himself supreme over others, stepping on and over them to get the bigger share of the pie.
It happens all the time in the corporate world. A loud-mouth, headless chicken would bluff his or her way to the top by telling "stories" to ignorant management (who stupidly believe these manipulators), while stepping and stabbing his or her colleagues in the process of "climbing the corporate ladder." Luckily no one told them to watch out for the missing rung on the ladder. It may work for some time, but we are all happy to sit at the bottom and watch them fall. And no, we don't have the number for the Fire Department.
Yes, I know about these kinds, because I have been a victim myself. That's why I have time to blog, instead of socialising right now at corporate lunches and branded parties.
The Jewish people thought of themselves as "the chosen race." I think it's written in the holy book. Weren't they persecuted especially in World War 2? Now the Malaysian "Muslim" government is so anti-Semitic that it bans Malaysians from visiting this country and this country only...due to a Muslim-Jewish tussle over land....is it? Then, the Muslim Malays go and declare themselves supreme beings in Malaysia. Kind of hypocritical, isn't it?
I have a question about the meaning of Bumiputra. A half-Indian half-Chinese girl marries a half-English half-Malay man. So their children are technically only quarter Malay, who are also very bad at the Malay language. So how is it that the children qualify for all the economical and social privileges reserved for a FULL Bumiputra?
In Peru, there was a President named Albert Fujimori, obviously Japanese. How did that happen? Arnold Schwarzenegger is Governor of California. But he was born where? Austria. Yet the Americans welcomed him to be their leader. Come! Come! Don't go BAAACK.
Some blogger say that lucky for Obama that he is American. If he was Malaysian, he would never ever be given the chance to be Prime Minister of Malaysia. Maybe my karma is bad. I can never be Prime Minister of Malaysia, even if I was actually smart and charismatic.
And Raja Petra....who he is is beyond words. He is a man of courage. There are many, many more of his kind.
Any action that suppresses will result in revolution. I think I've given enough warning and hints. But why listen to me? I'm not a political analyst or even a history expert.
But I am a child of God (woh!), just like you, if you only believe. Pretty supreme, huh. And I believe that God has given me an infinite spiritual wisdom bank that I can withdraw from anytime. And a mind that is so intelligent, it thinks on its own (yahoo!). And I hope that my MIND is now thinking about how to make money for me, cos the government didn't reserve any for me, and I am too modest to want the kind of attention usually bestowed on a hip-shaking corporate climber.