Up Up & Away

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, delivered a nasty surprise by announcing an immediate overnight 40% hike in petrol price, bringing low morale to the nation, CNN headlines and long frustrating queues to the petrol station.
Is it necessary to shock the citizens in this manner? Then the BN ministers defend themselves and whine "We have no choice." and left many things unsaid. How can you expect others to continue supporting you if you bomb your own nation?
May we now ask what you are going to do with the money you save from the subsidies? Business plan, please!
We have to thank the previous Malaysian government for subsidising our living costs.
But there must be other ways to manage the country's money better.
Instead these BN ministers have been busy trying to put vocal citizens into ISA, giving speeches about party loyalty, defending racial rights, when there is so much more important work to be done! When there is no food intake, every human's body weakens the same way, irregardless if you are Malay, Chinese, Indian, Chindian, Pundian, Mamak, Cina-Melayu, Nepalese, Portuguese, Myanmar, Thai, Japanese, Irish, Iban, Kadazan etc.
It's more important now for the Malaysian government to focus on marketing ourselves, our products and our services OVERSEAS, and to manage our finances BETTER. We need to bring in the MONEY!!!
Stop comparing that we are better off than other countries. What an illusion we create for ourselves. It is in the time of inflation that the government show its strength or weakness in taking care of its people.
Everything in Malaysia is expensive in comparison with the pay that we get. A fresh graduate today is still getting paid about the same as a fresh graduate 15 years ago.
Meanwhile, we still pay income tax, we pay even higher taxes for vehicles, food is expensive.....
And the few ministers who had a hand in announcing the petrol hike from RM1.92 to RM2.70 can still empathise, "we're much cheaper....than Singapore...." (Singapore petrol is RM5.20). Do we need to give our Ministers lessons in Economy? Did anyone check if they pass Form 6 Economy paper before they were given the Cabinet post? RM5.20 in Singapore is SGD2.20. It's affordable for the Singaporean who has a per capita GDP of USD25,000 compared to Malaysian per capita GDP of USD4,000! (If you think this fact is not correct, please prove me wrong).
You can have a bowl of noodles for lunch in Singapore for SGD2.00 while in Malaysia it is RM4.00. And while the average Malaysian office executive takes home RM2,500 monthly pay, about the same as the Singaporean executive but at SGD2,500, how is it that we are cheaper than Singapore?
You want to compare yourself to Singapore, Ministers? You dare to compare yourself to Singapore? And to echo Tony Pua's address during his rallies running up to the March 8th general elections, [he won the Petaling Jaya Utara seat :)]
Does Singapore have land? NOOOOOOOOOO
Does Singapore have oil? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Does Singapore have water? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Does Singapore have sand? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Does Singapore have more people than us? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
So how coooome Singapore makes more money than us? TAK LOGIK!!!!