Malaysia's Prime Minister to be voted by all Malaysians (gasp)
I followed closely the American presidential campaign between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And was I amazed at the length of their election campaigns and their massive organization to reach out to the American people -- state by state -- for votes.
When considering such a lengthy, extensive campaign to be the next President, we can expect it to come with a mighty huge budget. I read that Hillary was USD12million in debt after the campaign. There are pros and cons for everything. But I would definitely welcome a similar voting system to be implemented in Malaysia.
But hey, how come we can't have? We can do it for much cheaper whaaat... Our population is not as big as the US'. Our food also much cheaper... So I don't understand why our government is so cheapskate. (Please note that CHEAPER is NOT THE SAME as CHEAPSKATE).
Why don't we re-write the way our Prime Minister is elected, so that we can all have a chance to go to rallies, bring our Malaysian banners, and some of us can at least make some pocket money by setting up stalls outside the venue to sell bottled water, nasi lemak bungkus, taufu fah, popiah goreng ... cendol also can. (Help the people mah!)
If the stadium rental is too expensive, another choice is to have tables set up at the local mamak stalls. I'm sure the mamaks would enjoy the extra business. Otherwise, we also have a choice between overgrown lalang or botak football fields. I think that is free lah. Most to most, pay a little bit to the local dewan serbaguna management.
I can imagine it now...the crowds turning up state by state...and the 2 finalists going head to head with each other for the Final Vote. Just like American Idol....we can rename it Malaysian Idol lah. Maybe someone can sponsor Simon Cowell to be guest commentator.
You know... then we can truly accept how hard the PM-candidate worked for his votes and to be the best contender for the job. And every Malaysian has a chance to decide on their next leader.
So, I was very disappointed when Pak Lah said he was handing over his Prime Minister post to Najib.
One man alone can decide the nation's leader kah? It's always been this way, hasn't it, folks?
Actually, no fun loh. Now you understand why the Americans are NUMBER 1 in Marketing.

When considering such a lengthy, extensive campaign to be the next President, we can expect it to come with a mighty huge budget. I read that Hillary was USD12million in debt after the campaign. There are pros and cons for everything. But I would definitely welcome a similar voting system to be implemented in Malaysia.
But hey, how come we can't have? We can do it for much cheaper whaaat... Our population is not as big as the US'. Our food also much cheaper... So I don't understand why our government is so cheapskate. (Please note that CHEAPER is NOT THE SAME as CHEAPSKATE).
Why don't we re-write the way our Prime Minister is elected, so that we can all have a chance to go to rallies, bring our Malaysian banners, and some of us can at least make some pocket money by setting up stalls outside the venue to sell bottled water, nasi lemak bungkus, taufu fah, popiah goreng ... cendol also can. (Help the people mah!)
If the stadium rental is too expensive, another choice is to have tables set up at the local mamak stalls. I'm sure the mamaks would enjoy the extra business. Otherwise, we also have a choice between overgrown lalang or botak football fields. I think that is free lah. Most to most, pay a little bit to the local dewan serbaguna management.
I can imagine it now...the crowds turning up state by state...and the 2 finalists going head to head with each other for the Final Vote. Just like American Idol....we can rename it Malaysian Idol lah. Maybe someone can sponsor Simon Cowell to be guest commentator.
You know... then we can truly accept how hard the PM-candidate worked for his votes and to be the best contender for the job. And every Malaysian has a chance to decide on their next leader.
So, I was very disappointed when Pak Lah said he was handing over his Prime Minister post to Najib.
One man alone can decide the nation's leader kah? It's always been this way, hasn't it, folks?
Actually, no fun loh. Now you understand why the Americans are NUMBER 1 in Marketing.
